Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Are there people around you acting with anger and hatred?

The energy of love heals!

Are there people around you acting with anger and hatred?

As we begin to awaken people around us may start to rebel! As we learn more knowledge about God’s love and our Angels, our heart becomes filled with more love, unconditional love and this creates within us a healing.

As we heal so does our vibration and our energy become finer and purer. This finer and purer energy goes out from us as
 an energy wave and everyone feels it.

Those people who are vibrating at a different level, who need to experience the healing and wisdom of God and the Angels, they feel this energy and it creates for them a healing also.

For some people however, the ego reacts against this wave of healing energy as their hearts are not open and this results in them reacting with anger or hatred. It is the energy of your love, highlighting to them their inner pain. It is as if a mirror has been held up in front of them, which energetically it has, and they do not like what they now feel or see.

Two things can now occur. Your loving energy may, on this occasion, be enough to create a stirring and their soul may begin to become awake as their heart opens. Or they may choose to not answer the call of their soul and continue to reject from their position of ego and fear. They may choose to reject something that shows them another way. 

Regardless, of what reaction your energy creates, continue to only work with the energy of love. Know that as you change people around you may feel uncomfortable. They will either begin to change with you or they will leave your energetic and physical space.

Only energies of similar frequency can be matched harmoniously. Energies of love feel uncomfortable with energies of fear and vice versa.

The Soul is eternal

The Soul is eternal

Everything is circular.  There is no beginning and there is no end.  The soul has been created within with the same infinity.  It is therefore eternal.  The soul is always expanding, growing and learning.

With each incarnation the soul is not necessarily awake.  It does not awaken until the heart opens to respond to the call of the universe.  The call to unconditional love.  As the heart opens a beam of unconditional love is both received and released.  The release of unconditional love sends a harmonic to the soul and it is then activated to awaken.  The awakening of the soul can be a powerful spiritual experience, life changing.

The circumstances and stage in which the heart opens is different for everyone.  The activation of the soul and the circumstances that will provide the momentum for the opening of the heart are decided before each incarnation.

The soul travels with its teachers on its eternal journey.  At each stage the teachings may change depending on the level of spiritual attainment and progress already in place at the time of incarnation.  Teachings will be adjusted and implemented dependent on the next stage of your journey.

Our Guardian Angel stays with us through all our soul journey whether is it awake or asleep.  As we evolve so does our Guardian Angel evolve.  Our Guardian Angel walks beside us and we receive ‘promptings’ through our intuition and life events to help us to open our hearts.  We must open our hearts to gain the opportunities presented to us for soul growth.

The soul is the holistic energy of wisdom which we gain physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually when working with an open heart.

Ask your Angels today that you may ‘open your heart’.  Say ‘Angels, please show me how to open my heart so that I may start to receive my soul teachings’.

Thank the Angels for hearing you and prepare yourself for the new opportunities that will now be presented to you to help you access your soul learnings.  Your Angels are with you every step of the way.  Always looking at you with eyes of unconditional love.

What is the difference between the Heart and the Soul?

The Heart is the physical aspect of holding and generating the energy of Unconditional Love.
The Soul is the ethereal aspect sometimes known as our higher selves or the Atman
The higher self generates aspects of wisdom and learning and is closer to your God, Source, the Divine.

When we build a bridge from our Heart to our Soul, through demonstrating:
Learning and surrender

Then we reach a state of Enlightenment.  Enlightenment is the knowing that everything and everyone is interconnected.  We are all one.

Absorb the Rainbow Light

Absorb the Rainbow Light

We are all Souls
All Souls contain Light
Sometimes this Light is very hidden
Over many lifetimes it has become deeper and deeper entrenched in
§  Karma
§  Patterns
§  Programming
Now is the time to see the glimmer of Light in all sentient Beings
Your Love helps to ignite the spark of Love in the Heart and Soul of another
This spark can create more Light
As the Light increases, the Heart is slowly healed ....
§  cell by cell
§  layer by layer
§  lifetime by lifetime
This Light that is obscured in a cluttered and chaotic Heart, can be healed by the Love and Light from You!
Think of someone today ......
§  who is entrenched
§  cannot see a way forward
§  has become unable to see another way of living
Send them Love and Light from your Heart TODAY!
They will feel it at an energetic level and it will make a healing impact ....
Ask that this Love and Light, reach this person for their highest good
In every moment, remember that ....
§  Love is healing
§  Love heals everyone
§  Love heals everything
When you open your mind and Heart to sending Love ....  the Universe sees
The Universe sees and you are yourself showered in Heavenly Blessings on many levels of your Being
This shower is like a Rainbow
Each colour fills your Aura
Once your Aura contains all the colours of the Rainbow Light ....
You will be HEALED!
You will know the feeling of walking in the BLISS of HEAVEN ON EARTH!
§  Heaven in not a place
§  Heaven is a state of Being
Ask the Universe today, that you may develop more Love and Compassion for yourself and others
Ask that your Rainbow Aura helps you to walk towards HEAVEN ON EARTH - and yourASCENSION......

Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The Angels are Messengers of your God

The Angels are messengers of God, the Divine, Source
They see the Divine Perfection in all who call upon them

In the eyes of God, we are all perfect, as we are all made of Gods Divine Essence

Call upon your Angels today and ask that you may feel the blueprint of your divine perfection

Feel it in every cell, every organ, every memory ....... 
Feel it in every aspect of your being, mental, psychological, physical, spiritual
Feel it in all timeframes, past present and future
Feel it on all dimensions

Your Divine Perfection is your gift from God
The Angels help you to polish this gift, so that you have a radiating Glow

Thank the Angels of God for their continuing Love and dedication to you

You and your God are one!

God is the power behind, in and of everything you can see
God is the power behind, in and of everything you cannot see

‘Be in your essence Dear Child.  In your essence you are generating Divine Love. Divine Love is the powerhouse behind all you can and all you cant see.

Divine Love is the generator behind all healing, all miracles.
Everything in your power is because of Divine Love.

Divine Love is generated from your loving heart Dear Child.  Your heart is channelling me.  I am all that is and I am all that is not.

In your connection to your heart, in your moments of silence, you have a personal relationship with me.  I heal you, I embrace you, I inspire you…. This I do through your ability to listen to my promptings.

I always prompt you through the feelings in your heart.  Your heart Dear One is pure love.  It is made of the Divine Essence of your God.

You and Your God are one of the same.  Through your creation I am able to explore more of who I am.  Through your creation Dear Child I am able to be more of who I can be.  I am able to expand my experience through you.  I am able to expand my consciousness through you.

Your heart is the vehicle for this expression.  When you open your heart you are both expressing and experiencing the love and consciousness of me…. Your God’

Is God Good?

Is God Good?

God in not Good
God is not Bad


To be Good or Bad, would be to have ego.  God is free of ego ..... 


How we perceive GOD, is our own personal experience of our own making.  Our perception is based on our level of soul initiation and enlightenment.

God is an all encompassing energy, that is readily accessed by everyone, in each and every moment.

§  If we want nurture, he is it!
§  If we want guidance, he is it!
§  If we want Love, he is itf!
God is everything and anything, it is only a matter of how we label and perceive it.
God will still just be, BEING!

No matter what inner turmoil
No matter what inner peace


To access GOD,  Just BE!
Do not label your experience
Just know with all your BEING  that whatever you perceive GOD to be, will be your understanding of him!

Bathe in the knowledge that you are the creator of your life and the energy for what you do or dont create, comes from God.  How you use it is your free-will, it is your choice.

In this realisation, you no longer wait for GOD to be more loving, more pro-active, more palpable....

For all these things 
All these answers ...... all are for you to create, through your power of FREE-WILL

It is in the BEING, that we BECOME!

What is Heaven? What is Hell?

What is Heaven? 

Heaven is a process, a process of internal healing and perspective.

Heaven is not a place but a state of being.

When you live from a position of Heart centred Love, you experience BLISS, PEACE and you experience HEAVEN

Heaven is that state of being, where you have healed on all levels, you have surrendered your ego, you have attained enlightenment and now you are FREE!

Each step along the spiritual path, is another stop towards total FREEDOM

In a state of total FREEDOM 
You have HEAVEN

What is Hell? 

Hell is the loss of your connection to the Divine.  A place of stuckness, uncertainty and fear ....

From this perspective there is no LOVE, or HEAVEN because you have no PEACE, no BLISS and no FREEDOM from the voice of EGO

To leave the perspective of Hell, you first embrace this moment, and you centre yourself .... you reach doeep down into your Heart.

You say 'Angels help me to feel the well of Love within me, help me to regain my connection'

As the connection is regained, Love floods every cell of your being, and you start to move forward again .... you realise that frear, does not exist... it was just your perception, when you forgot to centre yourself and connect to the eternal source of Love within.

There is no Hell
Hell is not a place
Hell is a perspective, only viewed from a place of stuckness and FEAR

Ask your Angels and the entire spiritual hierarchy to fill you with LOVE
LOVE heals everything unlike itself....

Where there is LOVE, there is a state of PEACE, a feeling of BLISS.
In this state of BEING you can reach HEAVEN

Hearts Desires

Hearts Desires

Our Hearts Desires are exactly that!  They are the Desires of our Heart!  As such, we do not strive to seek them, instead we need to feel  them.  As we feel  the things in our Heart that bring us peace and contentment, then we are no longer striving.  Instead we are Being!

It is in the Being that we Become

What does your heart really desire?

Feel in your heart for a few moments the things that you truly desire, the things that truly make you feel peaceful, calm and relaxed.  Now begin to write again in your Angelic Journal.

Imagine your ideal situation, your ideal life
Imagine it right now, as if you already have it, really feel it in your heart

Write down how this ideal life looks as if you have it NOW!

Excerpt from 'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding

What does God want me to do moment by moment?

What does God want me to do moment by moment?

What does your heart want to do in each and every moment?  This is what your God wants.  He wants you to do those things that help you to manifest your hearts desires. 

When you are working towards your hearts desires you are in the moment and you are operating from a position of love. 

Any position that creates love from you heart is what your God want for you moment by moment.

I don’t believe in God, but I believe in something

I don’t believe in God, but I believe in something

God is something unique to everyone and cannot necessarily be interpreted easily.  Just as Love is something unique for everybody and sometimes is difficult to describe in mundane words or descriptions.

What is important is that you open yourself and your heart to the idea that there is indeed something larger than we can possibly comprehend in earthly terms.  Allow your heart to open to the possibility that it can experience this magnitude of love that the greater something encompasses.

An openness is the only tool necessary for you to be guided in your life.  Your heart and soul will then lead you step by step.  If the resulting experience feels like your God, your Angel, your Universe…. Then so be it.

Do not get caught up in the whys and wherefores, instead get caught in the moment.  The moments of joy, clarity, inspiration and love.  This is the energy of life in action.  This is the something that you have been reaching out to or seeking in order to gain more meaning in your life.

Your soul already knows everything and it is showing you in this very moment.  It shows you by how you feel, it is showing you what steps to take next.  Always step towards love, joy and peace in each moment, regardless of the seeming illusions or distractions around you.  The only thing that exists is love.  Be in the love.