What is Heaven?
Heaven is a process, a process of internal healing and perspective.
Heaven is not a place but a state of being.
When you live from a position of Heart centred Love, you experience
BLISS, PEACE and you experience HEAVEN
Heaven is that state of being, where you have healed on all levels, you
have surrendered your ego, you have attained enlightenment and now you are
Each step along the spiritual path, is another stop towards total
In a state of total FREEDOM
You have HEAVEN
What is Hell?
Hell is the loss of your connection to the Divine. A place of
stuckness, uncertainty and fear ....
From this perspective there is no LOVE, or HEAVEN because you have no
PEACE, no BLISS and no FREEDOM from the voice of EGO
To leave the perspective of Hell, you first embrace this moment, and you
centre yourself .... you reach doeep down into your Heart.
You say 'Angels help me to feel the well of Love within me, help me to
regain my connection'
As the connection is regained, Love floods every cell of your being, and
you start to move forward again .... you realise that frear, does not exist...
it was just your perception, when you forgot to centre yourself and connect to
the eternal source of Love within.
There is no Hell
Hell is not a place
Hell is a perspective, only viewed from a place of stuckness and FEAR
Ask your Angels and the entire spiritual hierarchy to fill you with LOVE
LOVE heals everything unlike itself....
Where there is LOVE, there is a state of PEACE, a feeling of BLISS.
In this state of BEING you can reach HEAVEN
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