Thursday, 14 May 2015

Enlightenment... teachings of the heart

Teachings of the heart towards enlightenment

Question: Michelle, Ive been crying non stop about the news, images of animal abuse, societal bullying, smug politicians etc and I feel the need to withdraw from social media for a while…..

’Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve!

The crying is the effect of your open heart feeling the pain of your fellow human beings who are currently within your zone or area of perspective…who are vibrating on your current level of awareness.

This is teaching you how to feel with an open heart before you move onto the next level or vibration of perspective…The next level will be where you view all around you from a position of detachment.

This is not the same as not caring.  Detachment means that you see with the eyes of God and in so doing, you recognise that all is within the Divine Plan…

If you stay within the energy of an open heart, and you are only feeling pain, sadness, anger then you vibration is only adding more of that emotion and resonance to humanity as a whole.

To help raise the consciousness of humanity to the collective level of peace, then we must also see every situation from the higher perspective, from the perspective of the Divine Plan.  From the perspective of God’s Consciousness.

The heart chakra is currently teaching you about humanity’s pain and how it needs to collectively move to a higher perspective in order to find peace and be free from lower energies.  Lower energies of war, conflict, anger, greed, manipulation, materialism, control…

Allow yourself to feel the emotions then ask that you be able to now understand each situation from a higher perspective. The perspective of Divine Love, the perspective of Gods Consciousness.

You will now begin to work more from the chakra of the crown, which is the chakra of enlightenment. At the 5th dimension the crown chakra views all actions from the perspective of Divine Love, Gods Consciousness and beyond…..

You will see more clearly with continued experience and understanding how each action is within the the overall Divine Plan.

Situations that may at first appear to bring sadness or tears, will later be viewed as those situations and experiences that helped you to both open, clear and develop your heart chakra.  All these steps are necessary in order to develop this chakra, to the next level. The next level called enlightenment.

When we learn to move into the perspective and vision of the crown chakra we learn to release all attachment to how situations may or may not turn out.  We now recognise ultimately that everything is a reflection of both our personal and collective consciousness.  The purpose to reflect back to us where we are both individually and collectively in our spiritual evolution.

The key is to have faith. Faith teaches us over time, how everything is necessary for a reason. Faith teaches us that even though things may not always make sense to us in this moment, that they will make sense over time.

Faith teaches us that when things seem to be falling apart, they may actually be coming perfectly together…

The next time a situation causes you to have tears, where it rips at your heart, do not fight it.  Instead take time to release every emotion, breath deeply. Shower away the pain in refreshing water, walk or sit in nature. Allow yourself to be with the emotions until they start to subside, until they start to heal.

To stop the flow of this process could create a blockage in the heart chakra and ultimately may slow your spiritual progress or understanding.  It will cause you to experience another situation which will cause you the exact same emotions that you were trying to heal…these experiences will keep coming louder and stronger until the initiation is learned…. Until you remember what it is that the soul is trying to get you to remember from these recurrent experiences. These events are your soul trying to remind you how understand and develop your heart chakra…

If you embrace this teaching and initiation then it will provide within you a deep knowing. A deep knowing which your soul will recognise and you will release these types of experiences.

Each time you do this activity you awaken the knowledge within your soul which will help to lift you to the next level of consciousness.

At the level of Gods consciousness you cry tears of joy, you relate to events as part of the Divine plan, you see everything as happening in spite of you, and not because of you… or to you.

You release the need to feel like a victim you release the need to react like a martyr.  You embrace the need to accept everything for what it is!

You will now look at events and with your compassion for self and for others, you will project from your healed open heart, Divine Love to all those situations, people and places that are still working through their spiritual initiations towards enlightenment.

At the level of enlightenment you do not need to cry tears, or feel heart pain…. For your heart is now healed and fully awakened to the Divine Plan that all just Is!

There is no Good, there is no Bad.  There just IS!