Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Soul is eternal

The Soul is eternal

Everything is circular.  There is no beginning and there is no end.  The soul has been created within with the same infinity.  It is therefore eternal.  The soul is always expanding, growing and learning.

With each incarnation the soul is not necessarily awake.  It does not awaken until the heart opens to respond to the call of the universe.  The call to unconditional love.  As the heart opens a beam of unconditional love is both received and released.  The release of unconditional love sends a harmonic to the soul and it is then activated to awaken.  The awakening of the soul can be a powerful spiritual experience, life changing.

The circumstances and stage in which the heart opens is different for everyone.  The activation of the soul and the circumstances that will provide the momentum for the opening of the heart are decided before each incarnation.

The soul travels with its teachers on its eternal journey.  At each stage the teachings may change depending on the level of spiritual attainment and progress already in place at the time of incarnation.  Teachings will be adjusted and implemented dependent on the next stage of your journey.

Our Guardian Angel stays with us through all our soul journey whether is it awake or asleep.  As we evolve so does our Guardian Angel evolve.  Our Guardian Angel walks beside us and we receive ‘promptings’ through our intuition and life events to help us to open our hearts.  We must open our hearts to gain the opportunities presented to us for soul growth.

The soul is the holistic energy of wisdom which we gain physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually when working with an open heart.

Ask your Angels today that you may ‘open your heart’.  Say ‘Angels, please show me how to open my heart so that I may start to receive my soul teachings’.

Thank the Angels for hearing you and prepare yourself for the new opportunities that will now be presented to you to help you access your soul learnings.  Your Angels are with you every step of the way.  Always looking at you with eyes of unconditional love.

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