Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Awakening, a moment like no other

Awakening, a moment like no other

Awakening, is a moment like no other.  This day for everyone is the first step towards a brighter world; a world more aware, a world more complete.

A mass Awakening can also happen where there is a lot of soul unrest.  People know that there must be more meaning to this seeming circus, called life.

Some souls are already Awakening.  Some are indeed already Awakened to the illusion we call ‘life’.

These awakened ones know, without doubt, that the experiences of the ego are only illusions, that the only reality in any situation is love.

What does that mean exactly, ‘the only reality in any situation is love’?

Every soul is in essence just love and wisdom.  Over many lifetimes, if the soul has not been spiritually awakened, then blocks or layers of fear start to form in or around the soul.  Its purity becoming more hidden.  Its purpose becoming lost in the fears and the chaos, in the realms of drama. 

At a given point in time a soul will receive its call to Awaken.  This may be after the soul has experienced a crisis.  It may be where a soul has heard its Universal call to now step forward. 

At the point of Awakening the individual will attract mentors and experiences which will help the soul to break free from these limiting beliefs called Ego. 

The soul will literally drink up every source of learning it can now absorb in order to break free.  In order to become awake. 

The process of Awakening can be tumultuous for many, as they cling on, fearing the change.  The more fear, the more tumultuous the Awakening. 

But once the process is in the place, there is no turning back.  The soul knows that whatever the seeming illusions, the only thing it is striving to achieve is purity.  To be free, to be Awake. 

As more experiences flood the soul, there will eventually to be a point of surrender.  It is at this moment that the soul has broken free from the limitations of fear.  It is at this point that the soul now knows clearly that its essence is love and purity. 

As the soul’s wisdom is released forward the process of spiritual awakening is now active, in each and every moment.  The individual will no longer shout and cry ‘why is this happening to me’? Instead, the individual will now understand increasingly that nothing is a coincidence.  That everything is synchronised to bring to us the exact teacher in every moment.  Every experience, every person we meet, every breath we take becomes a teaching experience.

Everything and everyone becomes a mirror of how much progress our soul is making at any given time.

The process of Awakening can seem subtle at first but it continues to prompt the journey forward as the soul begins to be released layer by layer, emotion by emotion, breath by breath.  The spiritual journey now begins.

Awakening can be likened to a change in perspective.  You are no longer seeing everything as being good or bad.  Instead you begin in your understanding to see that everything does or does not happen for a reason.  

You are now heading towards the idea that there is something greater than self.  You are learning through your experiences that whether something appears good, or something appears bad, it is all based on perspective. 

Your soul now yearns to learn the higher perspective in each moment.
In the awakening the soul will now be remembering that the individual is in control of their life.  Life is not in control of you.  A changing perspective will now ensure that the soul is learning to be heard above that of the little self, the ego.

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