Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth

Heaven is not a place, Heaven is a state of ‘being’. Everyone has the potential to experience Heaven.  In Heaven you walk with beings of supreme love and light. To personally experience ‘Heaven on Earth’ then simple steps towards awakening the tremendous love, both in and around you, can help you towards this experience. This love is profound and in your ‘awakening’ you will experience the true meaning of peace.  The true meaning of Heaven.  

What is Heaven? What is Hell?

There is no place called Heaven.  Heaven is not a place.  Heaven is a state of mind, a state of ‘being’.
Likewise, there is no Hell.  Hell is not a place.  Hell is a state of ‘being’.  The concepts of heaven and hell are illusions produced by emotions of fear.  There is no Heaven or Hell.  There ‘just is’.

How you ‘label’ each moment will be your experience of it.  In each and every moment we have the ability to choose love over fear.  In each and every moment we have the ability to choose love.  Love leads us to a higher perspective and a smoother path.  Quite literally it is in the ‘being’ that we ‘become’!

It is in the ‘being’ that we Become!

Heaven is a process, a process of internal healing and perspective.  Heaven is not a place but a state of ‘being’!

When you live from a position of heart centred love, you experience bliss, peace and joy.  You experience heaven. Heaven is a state of ‘being’.  Where you have healed on all levels, where you have surrendered your ego, where you have attained enlightenment, when you are free of all attachments, then you are in a state of ‘being’ that is the experience of heaven. Each step along the spiritual path, is another step towards total ‘freedom’.  In a state of total ‘freedom’, you have heaven. 

Hell is the loss of connection to the Divine. A loss of connection to the Source of all that is, Love.  A place without love becomes a place of stuckness, uncertainty and fear.  From this perspective where there is no love, there can be no heaven.  There is no love or heaven because you have no peace, bliss or joy.  You have no freedom from the voice of ego.

To leave the perspective of hell, you must first learn to release your ego, your little self.  Learn to embrace the moment.  Learn to centre yourself, to reach deep down into your heart and soul. Say ‘help me to feel the well of love within me, help me to regain my connection to the Source of all that is, the Source of Divine Love’.

As the connection is regained, love floods every cell of your being and you start to move forward again. You realise that fear does not exist.  It was just your perception, when you forgot to centre yourself, to be in the moment.  When you forgot to connect to the eternal source of love within you.
There is no hell. Hell is not a place.  Hell is a perspective, only viewed from a place of stuckness and fear.

Ask ‘May I now be filled with Divine Love’. Love heals everything unlike itself.  Where there is love, there is peace, a feeling of bliss.  In this state of ‘being’ you now experience the bliss of ‘Heaven’.

It is in the ‘being’ that you Become.

Become Love!