Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Hearts Desires

Hearts Desires

Our Hearts Desires are exactly that!  They are the Desires of our Heart!  As such, we do not strive to seek them, instead we need to feel  them.  As we feel  the things in our Heart that bring us peace and contentment, then we are no longer striving.  Instead we are Being!

It is in the Being that we Become

What does your heart really desire?

Feel in your heart for a few moments the things that you truly desire, the things that truly make you feel peaceful, calm and relaxed.  Now begin to write again in your Angelic Journal.

Imagine your ideal situation, your ideal life
Imagine it right now, as if you already have it, really feel it in your heart

Write down how this ideal life looks as if you have it NOW!

Excerpt from 'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding

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