Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Migrants! - here we go again!?

Question: what is the story and the right way to respond to the humanitarian crisis of the Migrants?

Migrants are people, with consciousness.  All consciousness has a soul.
When God created the Universe, of which Earth is a unique part of the experiment, it was not intended that religious divides, or any other divides would be developed.

Political, economical, geographical even psychological divides and boundaries, whether imposed or imagined, were not the way this experiment was intended to develop.

Initially Earth was inhabited by high frequency beings sent from other galaxies.  We have all heard of the Atlanteans for example, these high frequency beings arrived with no ego.  They were enlightened, wise souls.  Over time the experiment was intended to introduce the notion of expansion through ego.  It was intended that pure hearts through ‘want’ could develop their expression of God further. The expression of God wanting to feel and be more.

This was intended so that God could experience more of what could possibly be through feelings… through ego.

To understand the feeling of happiness there must be something against which to measure itself. For something to appear light, there must also have been the experience of something seemingly dark.

Migrants have become the victims of an experiment which is developing in some cases too rapidly. Changes have been accelerated due to the rising vibration and spiritual energy all over Earth since 2012.

These changes are in some ways positive and in some ways seemingly disruptive.

We are now in a rapid stage of adjustment internationally, globally.

The old paradigms of secular politics, restrictive boundaries, and mostly control through money, is now rapidly evolving into a new paradigm.

During the seeming chaos it must be our continued positive focus within our hearts of global integration and peace.

Migrants are souls, they are humans, men, women, children and animals. They are souls that have become part of the global changes.  They are great souls. They are Mahatmas.  Their soul contract to experience this seeming pain and destruction so that we can all experience a brighter world.

There is a natural ebb and flow to all progress.  Creating supposed boundaries, be they political, economical, psychological political or geographical is both short sighted and doomed to failure.

Change cannot be halted through autocratic and draconian methods.

No soul is more worthy than another.  To think that this is the case, is to be under an illusion.

No country is more superior than another.  To think that this is the case, is to be under an illusion.

Integration is now the way of the future.  To create geographical boundaries through politics and economics, through trying to suppress or oppress will in the longer term cause only further pain and suffering for the entire planet.

Once people have been displaced they will make their lives anew, no matter what seeming structures politicians try to impose.

Integration is the way of God.  God is love.
Segregation is the way of closed hearts, the ego.

As more people become displaced they will leave behind those who may choose to operated in lower vibrations of war and conflict.  But eventually this as a reality will only cause itself to implode.

Longer term these areas will once again return to peace and future generations will be drawn back to their cultural routes.

Life is about change.
Change is about life.

We are all interconnected.  We are all One

Next time you find yourself in the midst of a discussion regarding migrants.  How much it costs, the numbers of them, the politics…. Ask yourself…..

‘In what way do I think my soul is more worthy than another to experience peace’?

We are all interconnected.  We are all One.

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