Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Is God Good?

Is God Good?

God in not Good
God is not Bad


To be Good or Bad, would be to have ego.  God is free of ego ..... 


How we perceive GOD, is our own personal experience of our own making.  Our perception is based on our level of soul initiation and enlightenment.

God is an all encompassing energy, that is readily accessed by everyone, in each and every moment.

§  If we want nurture, he is it!
§  If we want guidance, he is it!
§  If we want Love, he is itf!
God is everything and anything, it is only a matter of how we label and perceive it.
God will still just be, BEING!

No matter what inner turmoil
No matter what inner peace


To access GOD,  Just BE!
Do not label your experience
Just know with all your BEING  that whatever you perceive GOD to be, will be your understanding of him!

Bathe in the knowledge that you are the creator of your life and the energy for what you do or dont create, comes from God.  How you use it is your free-will, it is your choice.

In this realisation, you no longer wait for GOD to be more loving, more pro-active, more palpable....

For all these things 
All these answers ...... all are for you to create, through your power of FREE-WILL

It is in the BEING, that we BECOME!

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