Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Why do I keep getting repeating lessons?

However much I purify, I still get the same lessons coming up?

The same lessons come up time and time again. But each time they get more persistent and more difficult to work through? For example, each time I feel more confident then a series of events seem to come together that leave me doubting my own inner worth again? Why is this happening? When will it stop?

Repeating lessons are the work of your soul trying to heal you, to teach you and to love you. The purpose of the soul is to show you through your experiences how to love. How to love unconditionally. Not only others, but most importantly, how to love yourself unconditionally.

Loving yourself is not about ego saying I am better than another. It is the opposite. Loving yourself is saying ‘I am enough’.

Everything and everyone that comes into your life is either a lesson or a gift. If you are lucky they are both.

I dont believe in God but I do believe in something?

I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in something!

The belief or meaning of a God is something unique and different for everyone.  It cannot necessarily be interpreted easily.  This is similar to how love is something unique for everybody and is also sometimes difficult to describe.  Mundane words or descriptions never quite get close enough to the actual experience of it.

The experience of ‘it’ is the important point.  The starting point is in the opening of yourself and your heart to the idea that there can be something greater, something larger, than we can possibly understand in earthly terms.  Something larger than we can possibly describe with mundane words or even intricate terminology.  Allowing your heart to open to the possibility that is can indeed experience the magnitude of love that this greater something provides so that you begin to feel it as all encompassing.

An openness is the only too necessary for you to guided in your life.  Your heart and soul will then lead you step by step.  If the resulting experience feels like your God, your Angel, your connection to the Divine… then so be it. 

Do not get caught up in the whys and the wherefores, instead get caught up in the moment. The moments of joy, clarity, inspiration and love.  These are all the energies of life in action.  This is the something that you have been reaching out to or seeking.   This is the something that you need to gain more meaning in your life.

Your soul already knows everything and it is showing you in this very moment.  It shows you by how you feel.  It is showing you what steps to take next.  Always step towards love, joy and peace in each moment.  Regardless of seeming illusions or distraction around you, the only thing that exists is Love.  Be in the moment, be in the Love. 

It is in the Being that we Become!


How to Awaken?

I wanna break through & be reborn can you help me please?

To be reborn or awaken then we must surrender.  We must release any idea of how things should or shouldn't be. 

Say ‘Angels, please show me how to surrender to the greatest plan that you hold for my soul at this time’

Go about each day, staying in the moment, with the deepest knowing that when you surrender you can then ‘awaken’ to the wave of consciousness that is unconditional love.  

You have released ego, you no longer strive, you are happy to just BE, knowing that everything is unfolding with Divine Love and Divine Timing.  Smile, the 

Angels walk with you and they will not let you fall.

What is the spiritual journey or path?

What is the spiritual journey or path?

The spiritual path is the route your soul decides to take in order to grow, heal and expand, in each lifetime or dimension.  Your soul will have decided before incarnation, the exact lessons, events and situations it will choose, in order to undertake these initiations of growth.    Some souls decide not to grow or ‘wake-up’ in this incarnation and forfeit the choice to undertake the process called Ascension.