How can I recognise my God and know that it is not something else?
God is anything that has heartfelt meaning for you. God is the emotion generated by and through
your heart.
You can decided for yourself what that heartfelt feeling
represents for you. You have the
choice. It is your life and it is your
choice how you want to perceive the meaning of your God.
Your God is the feeling, emotion and experience that has
meaning for you. God does not dwell at a
sacred house or building. God dwells
within every cell, fluid and breath within and around your being.
It is your choice, will you accept your hearts feeling as
Gods unconditional love or will you choose to continue the experience and
duality of fear.
Everything that is not love is fear. You will continue to experience fear until
you realise that the experience of your God comes from the feelings in your
heart. The feelings of warmth, joy and
The experience of God is unconditional love.
You can choose love or you can choose something
else? But where do you think you God
actually resides and do you think your God represents itself to you in your
life. You hold the answers to all the
The answers are all felt in your heart and are placed
their by your God. God is Love.