Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Why do I keep getting repeating lessons?

However much I purify, I still get the same lessons coming up?

The same lessons come up time and time again. But each time they get more persistent and more difficult to work through? For example, each time I feel more confident then a series of events seem to come together that leave me doubting my own inner worth again? Why is this happening? When will it stop?

Repeating lessons are the work of your soul trying to heal you, to teach you and to love you. The purpose of the soul is to show you through your experiences how to love. How to love unconditionally. Not only others, but most importantly, how to love yourself unconditionally.

Loving yourself is not about ego saying I am better than another. It is the opposite. Loving yourself is saying ‘I am enough’.

Everything and everyone that comes into your life is either a lesson or a gift. If you are lucky they are both.

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