Saturday, 2 May 2015

Lightworkers, the purging will now subside

Purging will now subside for those at the front .....

For those at the front, the energies of purging will now subside
In front of you is a wonderful vista

Breathe it in!

Behind you is how far you have come

Rejoice! Breathe it in!

You are now energetically residing in a new place. You are preparing for the arrival of the masses.
In your new energetic space you can follow your BLISS! The feelings of restriction are now gone

Breathe in the feeling .... The feeling of FREEDOM!

You Dear Ones, have created this sacred space and now you have arrived, ahead of the others
Prepare the ground so that newly arriving souls will feel at home, at Peace, at One

We are the leaders of an almighty team and the Heavens are rejoicing
The plan of Love is coming together

You Dear Ones, are the pioneers for the Golden Age

Heaven is your reward
Gone is the striving, the struggling....

Now you embrace your Divine State of BEING
Now you embrace HEAVEN

Feel it! Breathe it!

You have purged, sacrificed, been weary, now you have arrived

This is your platform
This is your new reality

The reality of PEACE
Angels and Masters walk with you

Commandar Ashtar
Lord Maitreya

Is Evil real?

Is Evil real?

Evil is a perception based on fear. 
Our perception creates a thought energy which then creates an outcome in reality

All thoughts are energy, which create energetic outcomes

If all thoughts were based on Peace, then all energetic outcomes would be Peace

To negate Evil, we must change our perception.
We need not label anything. We need only accept from a loving Heart centre, that everyone and everything, is doing the best that they can. They are doing the best that they can with the current level of Love and Wisdom they hold in their Soul

Love heals everything unlike itself

We cannot negate lower energies of the ego mind, of fear... with similar corresponding energies. For example energies which feature revenge, spite or punishment only serve to fuel the energies of the lower ego mind. The ego mind where fear created the perception of Evil

The only healing tool and the most powerful way to bring back balance is to have an Open Heart
An Open Heart is constantly being filled with the energy of Love

Love heals everything unlike itself

Choose Love not Fear
Choose thoughts of Love
Choose a Heart of Love

See everything now from the perspective of Love


Archangel Chamuel

Ascension is about creating Heaven on Earth

Ascension is the progressing of our eternal planet

The raising of awareness for all of Humanity

The process to date has been long and arduous, but now energies flooding all of us from the Universe are stabilising 1,000's and 1,000's of years of Divine Evolution

Many symptoms in your body and mind will arise, sometimes causing a temporary mania, but this will quickly pass, and its a sign that you are re-aligning physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually

Ascension is a holistic process for the whole of Humanity

As we all join together the process will become more subtle and sublime

A new Humanity will be bestowed upon all mankind
More community
Less corporate status
More emphasis on love thy neighbour
A stripping back to the basic values within all Humanity .... To be Loved and To Love

Today, we must hold out our hand to our fellow companion on this evolutionary path ....

As we all walk together
The Angels walk among us

Those who are sensitives are the way-showers, from their open healed hearts
We all walk out, at the front
We can put up the signposts for those fellow humans who have become lost in the cycle of re-incarnation, and in the mist, of uncertainty and indecision
We now create a clear example, by who we are, by how we allow ourselves to be motivated by our passion for Love
Our passion for Truth
Our ability to detach from illusions
Our ability to see the bigger perspective for the whole of Humanity

As a Light worker our path has been complex, arduous, not without pain and loss
but now we look out and we see, how everything is in a perfect landscape ....

the Landscape of the Divine .... The Divine Perfection .....

We are now approaching the ONENESS ..... our journey to lead others is nearing completion ....
there is much rejoicing and fanfare by the Angels .....

We are creating 'Heaven on Earth'

Write in your Spiritual Journal

Write in your spiritual journal

When you keep a Spiritual Journal, you are showing commitment to your spiritual path 

This helps you to calm your thoughts, as you release your fears and anxieties

Journalling helps you to record events that have brought you happiness, contentment and joy

Writing helps you to gain clarity and focus

Regular journalling shows dedication

All these activities and qualities of
expressing Joy
being clear
having dedication
These are all activities and qualities that help to raise your vibration ....

As your mind becomes calmer
As your heart becomes more full

Your Spiritual Team can reach you, as you are now emitting the energy of

The Spiritual Journal is an essential tool in your development towards seeing, hearing, feeling and understanding your spiritual life .......

Write in your Journal and start your journey today .....

My religion does not recognise the terminology about Ascension

Question: I have a religion where the teachings of planetary and individual Ascension are terminology not recognised? What should I do?

Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve!

Dearest One, There are no shoulds or should nots. You have free-will. Your Heart is your own personal barometer for you to follow on your individual path, back to Source.

Your Soul already knows everything, and at the right time it will remind you how to find your way back Home, the way back to Peace, the way back to God.

Just be in your moment until you feel a stirring or knowing in your Soul, it will show you the next step to take. Only take those steps that give you a feeling of Peace, that have integrity for YOU. Steps that teach you, in each and every moment, that everything and everyone, is God in a human form. That teaches you, Love is the only thing that exists.

Love heals everything unlike itself.
Love will help us all to find the way.

Just stay in your moment
Be a Warrior for the Light!

Archangel Michael

Remember to ask for what you need

Remember to ask for exactly what you need

We have with us a loving and extensive spiritual hierarchy the Angels and the Ascended Masters are part of an awesome team who are constantly reaching out to us.... we only have to ask for what we need..... 

When you are uncertain just speak to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Say 'please show me now which way to go in each and every moment'. 

You will be heard and you will see a change in your situation through signs, energies and intuition. You only have to ask. 

Remember to thank the Spiritual Hierarchy for their love and wisdom at this exciting but delicate time of moving us all into the fifth dimension.

Love is the Universal Message

Love is the Universal Message

All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives. -Dalai Lama

Spiritual Key Teachings

Golden Key.....

Please accept this Golden Key - as a Spiritual Gift to say thank you for joining our community

Whenever you see this key, on this page, you will know that you are reading another tip on how to unlock the Unconditional Love within yourself and others

Please send the Golden Key to others.... by sharing the Golden Key you are helping in the process of raising CONSCIOUSNESS for Humanity...........

Spiritual Gift for new members

Spiritual Gift

Please accept this spiritual gift as a thank you to everyone who has recently joined our community...... 

Our teachings here are that all is LOVE, 
that LOVE is all there is, that we are all INTERCONNECTED

Please visit us daily

Please visit us daily......

Keep sharing this page with your friends and help to raise the vibration of our evolution and Humanity to that of God Consciousness - LOVE!