Saturday, 2 May 2015

Is Evil real?

Is Evil real?

Evil is a perception based on fear. 
Our perception creates a thought energy which then creates an outcome in reality

All thoughts are energy, which create energetic outcomes

If all thoughts were based on Peace, then all energetic outcomes would be Peace

To negate Evil, we must change our perception.
We need not label anything. We need only accept from a loving Heart centre, that everyone and everything, is doing the best that they can. They are doing the best that they can with the current level of Love and Wisdom they hold in their Soul

Love heals everything unlike itself

We cannot negate lower energies of the ego mind, of fear... with similar corresponding energies. For example energies which feature revenge, spite or punishment only serve to fuel the energies of the lower ego mind. The ego mind where fear created the perception of Evil

The only healing tool and the most powerful way to bring back balance is to have an Open Heart
An Open Heart is constantly being filled with the energy of Love

Love heals everything unlike itself

Choose Love not Fear
Choose thoughts of Love
Choose a Heart of Love

See everything now from the perspective of Love


Archangel Chamuel

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