Monday, 4 May 2015

The veils to your God are now diminishing - Archangel Metatron

The veils to your God are now diminishing

The energies of this time are changing in many forms as the Angels now line up under the Law of Grace, to help humanity to heal from the imagined duality of Love and Fear. There is only one reality, Love.

The density of Earth does not always allow us to see this directly, this was part of our choice when we chose to incarnate on this plane of existence.

Dear Ones, the veils to your God are now diminishing and it will all become clear for those souls who are willing to clearly see the truth about Love.

God is Love

Each day now is becoming ever more crucial. Each day say 'I now flow freely in the essence of Gods Love which is within and without'.

The Angels of Ascension are surrounding earth as an almighty team. Those who choose to now call upon them will have their lives profoundly changed forever.

To be in the essence of Gods Love, to be in the knowledge of Gods Love, is to be in the presence of Angels

Call upon the Angels today. We await your request.
We are now gaining momentum forever becoming closer and closer as the vibration of Love is starting to flow ever more freely upon our Planet.

God is Love. The Angels are the distribution team of this loving essence.

When you are bathed in this exquisite nectar your life, your heart, your soul is profoundly changed forever. Not only do you step forward with more boldness, but you raise your thoughts to match those of God.

God is Love.

Archangel Metatron

Lightworkers and Earth Angels are an awesome team.... Sanat Kumara

Changes now approaching for mankind

Sanat Kumara is the leader of the new approaching changes for mankind.

The light workers are an awesome team, being protected and revered by other members within the hierarchy
Now is not the time for any doubts, for any confusion. Reach deep into your Soul now Dear Ones

Remember you mission
To bring Peace to Earth

You have been paving the way
You have been doing the ground work

Through this arduous journey you have never faltered
Throught this tiredness, the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows, you have never faltered!

If you could only see how your light has been helping the overall plan

Lightworkers this is your time!

Your work does not and has not, gone un-noticed
You will shortly start to see the rewards from your devotion

Many Blessings upon you will be bestowed
Keep in your Light

Beacons of Light!
You can now be sure that your vibration has indeed served

The New Age of Peace is coming
For some, you will see this in your life-time on Earth

Sanat Kumara

We are all heading in the same direction - HOME!

We are all heading in the same direction - HOME!

Extract from Community Member

'I don"t want to distance myself either or lose their friendship, but that is the direction I feel I am heading in... especially when I look and can see the recurring patterns in their lives that stand out so loudly yet they cannot see them. but if I say anything they will just think Im being picky or such'.

Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve
The spiritual path can be arduous as you sometimes need to release attachment to outcomes and stand in your power at the front.

This is your time to lead. The bonds of true friendship, those based on love, do not form attachments, true love creates freedom. Your focus now can be on serving for the Light, standing in your power and serving through your vibration of love.

Souls hear your vibration, not your words.
Souls hear your emotions, your feelings of passion, not your words.

Take your place Dear One
Take your rightful place at the front
Look to your own Peace and Bliss and walk confidently in your Divine Power

Others will see your Joy, your Peace .... they will feel your contentment with who you have become. This will leave an energetic imprint on their soul. Your work is then done.

Remember it is in the BEING that we BECOME.

Keep focusing on your souls growth and healing your heart. If you need to walk alone, then know that up ahead are like minded souls waiting for you.

If you have to walk alone, know that your dedication to the light is leaving an energetic imprint for those coming up behind.

We all have a different path. But we are all heading in the same direction - HOME!

Dearest One, your light is shining......

Dearest One, your Light is shining.....

Dearest One

Your light is shining like a Beacon ... so bright 
From the Stars, the Heavens, the Sky ... we can see you, even at night

Your works of Love we can easily feel and see
They vibrate from you like a harmonic resonance, as you just BE!

The choirs in Heaven, rejoice
A child of God, you have made a soul choice .....

To walk proudly a warrior you shall be .... protecting, healing and guiding the masses...
They too can then begin their Ascension Journey

Blessings shower you
Lighting up every step of your spiritual path way

What is ahead of us now?

What is ahead of us practically now?

Much more of the same, but it will come at a much faster and purer rate
This will continue until everyone has either woken up or decided to move to another dimension

Lightworkers will be more energised once they have healed the lower aspects of self and their ego mind, the mindset of Fear

It is in the BEING that we BECOME

In the beginning - Archangel Sandalphon

The whole of humanity is now turning 

to face the sun

In the beginning
there was only Light
there was only Love
there was only Freedom
The Universe was static but pure

God decreed that the Universe should begin to evolve. To become more of what it could possibly be .... the planets were made.
Each planet had a different role and this has created a multi-dimensional Universe

Earth was chosen as the planet where souls could experience 'free-will'. They could do this in whatever way they chose., the outcomes being their own choice and of their own making.

The concept of introducing Choice, meant introducing Ego
With Ego comes duality.

Ego provides the drive and passion to push ahead for positive reason. But as with all duality, Ego can also drive the passion for negative reasons.

Neither is right nor wrong.
Both actions just are - each only serving to highlight the existence of the other.

The times of the experiement are now coming to a close. 2012 is the window of opportunity for humanity and the entire Universe to be able to return to the moment of stillness, of peace, of calm, of Oneness.

The process towards Oneness is called Ascension.

All aspects of the Universe and humanity now need to heal and become organically and atomically finer, and purer.
The planets are lining up to form an energetic grid which makes the purification of all energetic beings and structures possible.

After the alignment the route of evil will be harder to maintain.
The ego which creates fear, and the illusion of separation, will no longer be a tool of our conceptual focus.

Instead, the tool of our conceptual focus will now be our Open Hearts. Open Hearts send out healing resonance.

As each Heart opens a wave of love transcends all duality and swathes everyone in a blanket of pure, blissful LOVE.
Once this tremendous LOVE has been felt, tasted, witnessed and truly experienced there is no going back.

It will be as if all of humanity is turning its face to the Sun

Each ray acting as a beacon, further regenerating each Heart with more Universal Love and Light.

Open your Heart wider each and every day.
Turn and face the Sun
In turning to the vastness of the Light, you are turning the evolution of Earth and humanity, towards the Golden Age

The Golden Age is the coming age of Peace, Bliss, Oneness
The journey is now beginning

Walk in your Love
Walk in your Light

Feel the approach of the Golden Age
The Age of Universal Oneness

Archangel Sandalphon

The Planets move and slide

The Planets move and Slide
They create a Trine

The Earth and humanity
Start to re-align

Lightworkers, Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve
This is your time to shine

Blessed Be!

A prayer for healing and an upgrade of Divine Light

'Dear Angels, 

Please fill my entire being with your Divine Light, bathing every cell, every fluid every organ.
Please heal me on all timescales, in all dimensions, future, past and present. 
Please remove any blocks or miasms in my etheric or subtle bodies... 
Please release me now from all aspects of karma in my family or ancestry.

May my entire being now begin to vibrate finer and purer in each and every moment.
I am totally healed on all levels' Thank the Angels....

Please try this prayer regularly and then take whatever rest you may need after.... nurture yourself....
Allow the Angels to heal you... Thank them....'

The loving spiritual hierarchy

We have with us a loving and extensive spiritual hierarchy the Angels and the Ascended Masters are part of an awesome team who are constantly reaching out to us.... we only have to ask for what we need..... 

When you are uncertain just speak to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Say 'please show me now which way to go in each and every moment'. 

You will be heard and you will see a change in your situation through signs, energies and intuition. You only have to ask. 

Remember to thank the Spiritual Hierarchy for their love and wisdom at this exciting but delicate time of moving us all into the fifth dimension.

Forgiveness means......

Forgiveness is not saying that what you did to me was ok. Forgiveness means that I am no longer going to allow what you did to me to hurt me.....

Why do negative events occur......

When a big change occurs in your life it forces you to change direction. Sometimes the new path may not be easy, but you can be absolutely certain that there is magnificence for you on the new path. You can be absolutely certain that the new path contains things that you could not have experienced otherwise.

When we look back at a negative event that occurred in the past, we often see how in fact it transformed our life. We see how that event directed us toward a life that we would not change for anything. From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne

From The Secret - Facebook

What would you like to learn.... please post your questions.....

Welcome to everyone who has recently joined this new page about Angels and the spiritual path towards Ascension.

To help me gauge exactly where my community is in terms of experience then it would be very useful if you please ask me for what things you currently want to learn about....... and I will try to help you.

For people beginning their journey with Angels, then you may find our sister page a good starting point at'You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You'.

For those people who are further along their spiritual path then it would be interesting to open up the conversation to things that you are currently experiencing.

Please feel free to share...... We are all learning together. Blessings Michelle

Do you have a question?

If you have a particular subject about the Angels and Ascension that you would like to ask, then I will try to assist you. 

This is a safe environment to share your own experiences, stories and questions....... We are all learning together, We are all One.

Blessings Michelle

Angels lift us up....

Angels lift us up with pride
They raise our Consciousness and walk forever by our side

Please share the Love of Angels far and wide, help to raise the Consciousness of Humanity............ We do not ascend alone, we all ascend together.........

Golden Key - Spiritual Gift

Please accept this Golden Key - as a Spiritual Gift to say thank you for joining our community

This key is to help you unlock the Unconditional Love within yourself and others

Please send the Golden Key to others.... by sharing the Golden Key you are helping in the process of raising CONSCIOUSNESS for Humanity........

We are all interconnected! We are all One! Blessed Be!

Blessings Michelle