Friday, 24 April 2015

The Ecstasy of the meditative Journey - a personal experience

The Ecstasy of the meditative Journey - Submitted by Yolanda

WE ARE ONE---My eyes journey ---Through time, space, infinity----
My transcendental meditation begins---
A long slow deep breath, a sigh----
Calmness beckons me---
My inner voice recites a mantra---OM OM OM---
I bow to you---Across all barriers of time---I bare my soul---
Rise above these earthly cares---My soul---Radiates and shines---
A luminous cloud----Surrounds my body----
My heart reaches for the heavens----Doves fly---
My eyes journey---Through time, space, infinity---
The best and highest in me---I greet the God within---I am in that place in me----

Om Mani Padme Hum....powerful mantra.....

Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum, out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion.

Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect -- it is often carved into stones, and placed where people can see them. 

Spinning the written form of the mantra around in a Mani wheel (or prayer wheel) is also believed to give the same benefit as saying the mantra, and Mani wheels, small hand wheels and large wheels with millions of copies of the mantra inside, are found everywhere in the lands influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.

It is said that all the teachings of the Buddha are contained in this mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum can not really be translated into a simple phrase or sentence.

Courtesy of

I started meditating..... my entire world has changed....

I started meditating..... my entire world has changed.... 

Hello Michelle  Well since I started meditating, and that was only +- 6 months now, my entire world has changed! For the better is an understatement!:) I have moments of intense joy and love that I feel i'm quite ready to explode, lol! I feel very close to God and the Angels and have embarked on a wonderful spiritual journey. In meditation I have had visions of myself in a past life, I have seen an indigo sky beautifuuly lit up with zillions of stars, almost consciously astral travelled. I have even had visions whilst awake and relaxing, the one vision touched me so much I was overwhelmed and cried like a baby, it was an introduction of sorts of one of the Angels that are with me. Beautiful Now im getting confirmation of spirit being very near in the form of tingling on the left side of my head:D I feel more alert, yet very relaxed, can concentrate more, and have found that meditation has opened the flood gates of love for me. I would and do recommend meditation to everyone!!! Love and light ~

Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve 

What a beautiful experience of spiritual awakening through meditation..... I am going to share for others...... Blessings dear one.... Michelle

I feel exhausted on all levels, what is happening?

I feel exhausted on all levels, what is happening?

Great pools of energy are now reaching Earth, due to an astrological alignment that is only seen every 26,000 years.

The alignment of all the planets in our Universe is creating an energetic grid around Earth

As living, breathing, matter.... we are all affected on many levels by these energetic changes......

Our cells, our fluids, our organic physical matter is being re-aligned, with the pull of the Universe

This creates within us

a purging
a purification
we feel exhausted and drained .... emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually

One foot in front of the other becomes intolerable
Breathing in and out becomes even a noticeable effort

All these signs are passing symptoms of your body renewing, purifying and re-aligning........

As each purge occurs we can sometimes feel overwhelmed as things suddenly come up for release .....

Unexpected aches and pains
Episodes of Depression
Sleepless nights
Drowsy days
Anxiety .......

Do not battle with these symptoms..... if there is no underlying medical cause then these are all signs of your body re-aligning......

Ask the Universe to help you release, in a gentle wave ... all the things in your life, that no longer serve you

Ask the Universe to help you feel nurtured during these times of change

Ask the Universe to show you healthy levels of foods and drink that you consume.....

Release anything that no longer seems to resonate, with your new and changing body

Get plenty of rest. Sleep when your body requires it
Walk out in nature often
Drink pure filtered water
Spend time writing to your Angels. ......

Start to feel your life change for the better

One day, you will wake ......

Everything will seem brighter
You will have more focus and clarity
In your heart is this profound feeling of Peace
You can just 'BE'

It is at this moment, that you look back at your life and you see how far you have come

You no longer strive, push or control your destiny
You now just go with the flow .... your body, your thoughts, your emotions are more fluid

You accept the moment, you do not label, you are at Peace, Free, Safe and Secure

This new life is called The Golden Age, and you have been experiencing the process of Ascension

The energetic grids have infiltrated your being

You are now a beacon of light for others ....
Be a way-shower, be an example of Peace

What greater gift can you give another than the gift of Peace .....

Your Universal Team will walk with you every step of the way
Guiding, Loving, Teaching and Nurturing you .....

You are a child of God
Embrace your Divinity

Question: If I leave and my partner remains hurt, is it my responsibility?

The Universe is always responding through you and not to you 

Question: If I leave and my partner remains hurt, is it my responsibility?

Life is a mirror!
If you leave another, you leave behind an imprint of how you were vibrating at that time. If that vibration was of inner  peace, calm and happiness then the imprint you leave will be a vibratory match.

Where your vibration was at odds with your innate nature, which is always unconditional love, then that imprint will instead be left by you on your emotional departure.

How the other person receives your imprint will be based on their level of vibration and perception. Their  current perspective.  If they feel within themselves calm, happy, peaceful self love, then your departure will not entirely affect these deeply anchored vibrational feelings.  

If however, the person had been in a state of turmoil, disorientation, feeling  ungrounded, or had lacked some self nurturing, then an exit will ultimately be perceived as something that has been done to them rather than for them.

All of life is a mirror. It is a mirror of what is happening for us at a soul level.

Life is happening through you, not to you!
The key is adapting to life, by adapting to continual  change. By accepting in each moment that you have the ability to make changes, you give yourself great power, great internal resource. 

Instead of feeling as if life is being done to you, you can recognise that life is happening because of you.

You realise this more and more as you engage with what is happening now, rather than what will happen when?

The benefits of focusing on the Now!
By learning to focus on the now, you are giving yourself the choice as to how you will perceive any given situation. This in itself does not negate the initial pain of loss, anger, sadness, etc, nor should it!!!

Focusing on the now does not negate any initial pain nor should it!
By denying any kind of fear such as pain, loss, anger and the sadness around these events you only serve to feed its negative energy. You cannot heal fear by suppressing it, or by not feeling it. By feeling it fully there is flow.  The flow of acknowledging, feeling it, experiencing it and ultimately releasing  it.  At the point of release we leave an energetic space for the new to enter.

You cannot heal fear by suppressing it!
In order for the new energy to be of love and not fear, then you need not only for it to be released, but you also need to forgive.

Forgiveness is not saying that the pain of loss or sadness did not exist.  Forgiveness is that point where you say ‘I no longer allow the fear of pain, sadness or loss to affect my inner equilibrium’.

By giving yourself permission to forgive both yourself and others, a great transformation ensues at a vibratory level.

The vibration of forgiveness is equal to the vibration of love…
For the vibration of forgiveness is equal to the vibration of love.  So, where you felt that you had been  abandoned, rejected,  left behind, you have in effect been given the emotional space to make a great transformation.

Of course, this will not be an easy transition at first. But with contemplation expressing your feelings, releasing and eventual forgiveness you will be able to view this situation from a different perspective. You will see that someone does not have the power to interpret how things are happening. They do not have the power regardless of how you choose to view your situation, everything presented to you is a mirror image of your soul.  The mirror gives you the perspective and power to interpret how you choose to feel this situation, how you choose to heal this situation, how you choose to release this situation.

Do not confuse perspective with denial.  Denial does not allow you to feel it, heal it or release it.  Denial is certainly not going to allow you to forgive.
When someone who you love leaves you, abandons you or even dies…..then take time to be in the emotion of it fully…..

It will feel overwhelming, you will want to shout why, how could you, how will I?

It is ok to feel the intense pain beneath these questions, but don’t put too much energy into finding the answers to these questions in this way or at this time.

The process of feeling the intensity of the sadness, the grief, the pain will lead you to a calmer place.  As you feel these intense emotions, you are giving yourself permission to heal and to see that this is not happening to you, but because of you.

Everything in your life is a mirror
Everything in your life is a mirror, a reflection of what your soul has been trying to teach you.

Abandonment may be showing you the way you have abandoned yourself, sacrificed your own needs, forgotten to look after you.

When we begin to self-nurture through the many initiations of the soul teaching us, then outside events cease to affect us in such deep and long lasting ways.
Instead of feeling wounded, we can, with experience look at our mirror and recognise that in fact these events are occurring in order for us to feel validated!

Validation can only ever come from your own soul
Validated? You may ask? How is this validating me when I feel so sad, hurt and alone? It is validating you because it is showing you that the Universe has recognised that at some level your sadness, your fear, your loneliness already existed and now it is giving you the opportunity to heal these aspects so that you no longer need to experience that in your soul.

The love you felt you had, the security you felt you had, the happiness you thought you had, they were all actually conditional. They were conditional on you receiving certain feelings or behaviours from another so that you would feel validated, loved, secure?

But in reality the only place your validation can come from is from your soul, your inner sense of worth, your own self love.

Validation or attachment?
Anything that does not come from your inner sense of peace and happiness is attachment.  Attachment is where our happiness and peace is dependent upon external circumstances, like people, money or fame.

In a state of attachment, we are living in constant fear. What if I lose my lover? What if I lose my job? What if I have no money?

The only security is to be happy, despite external influences whether that be people, fame or money.

The solid foundations you make for yourself will always withstand the external changes and reflections brought to you by the reflection of the mirror.

Life is not happening to you but through you!
When you are secure from within the Universe will arrange your life to reflect that life is not happening to you, but through you.

The people, the money, the recognition that you now give to yourself, the love that you now feel innately, at your deepest level, this will now be reflected back to you in all that you see, hear, and feel.  You will now know and recognise that how you feel within is what you will outwardly perceive around you.

So, if someone or something changes around you. You will now not label it as abandonment, loss rejection… you ruined my life…. You will allow yourself to feel the emotions freely, intensely, but without apportioning blame.

You will release the emotions as you realise the Universe is responding through you and not to you.  You will forgive yourself and others for those things that you no longer want to affect your equilibrium. You will heal!

Are you the person leaving?
If you are the person leaving, your responsibility is to be true to both your ex-partner and yourself. Again the Universe is working through you and not to you.
You have the choice how to respond in each moment.

If you are unhappy and not at peace then this relationship has been the mirror to you, to help you look at how you are still not nurturing yourself and healing yourself at a soul level.

Take time to learn about what the soul wants you to know from this experience. Then spend time healing those inner aspects of self.

No one is right and no one is wrong.  The Universe brought to your attention through your vibrational match, those aspects of self that still need healing, completion and transformation.

Everything and everyone that is brought into your life is a lesson or a gift and if you are lucky they are both!